The Cabinet approved all four of the proposals put forward by the Ministry of ICT.
1. Approval of the Second National ICT Master Plan B.E. 2552 - 2556
2. Every ministry, department, state enterprise, local adminstration body and related agency to come up with their own ICT plan in accordance with the Second National ICT Master Plan
3. The Bureau of Strategy and Planning, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology as secretariat of the national ICT committee is to be responsible for coordination with various agencies for development of their ICT plans as well and for budgeting as well as measure and follow up on progress.
4. Central government agencies related to resource allocation (Bureau of the Budget, Civil Service Comission, Office of the Public Sector Development Commission) to use the Second National ICT master plan to reform and and develop their ICT infrastructure during the duration of the plan (2552 to 2556).
Key sections of the plan can be summarised as follows:
1. Vision. Smart Thailand.
2. Mission. Develop ICT human resources in both quality and quantity; develop high speed ICT networks; develop good governance frameworks for ICT governance.
3. Objectives. Increase ICT human resource numbers and capability; create good governance in ICT; support manufacturing; empower communities and individuals; empowering businesses and the ICT industry.
4. Goals.
- 50 percent of the population know of; have access to; and can create information in a manner that is with discretion, aware, just and moral; thus leading to benefits for education, work and everyday life.
- Raise Thailand into the top 25 percent of countries according to the networked readiness index.
- Increase the share of ICT industries to 15 percent of GDP.
- Create an ICT workforce that can create with; develop; and use ICT with awareness and discretion.
- Manage ICT with good governance (national ICT governance)
- Develop basic ICT infrastructure.
- Use ICT for good governance in the public sector.
- Increase the competitive of Thailand's ICT industry to add value to the country's economy and generate income.
- Use ICT for sustainable growth.
Rough translation from Nectec Academy.